помогите решить!
Choose the correct words in italics.
1 Many / Much shops sell online these days.
2 We haven’t got some / much knowledge about e-commerce security.
3 Do we need to spend many / a lot of money on security?
4 We have a few / little problems at the moment.
5 Some / A little websites are easier to navigate than others.
6 Nasser has a few / little knowledge of web design.
3 (2 оценки)
mergery 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 6 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1 many
3a lot of
3 (2 оценки)
nunny 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 21092 ответа - 153888 раз оказано помощи
1 Many  shops sell online these days.
2 We haven’t got  much knowledge about e-commerce security.
3 Do we need to spend  a lot of money on security?
4 We have a few  problems at the moment.
5 Some  websites are easier to navigate than others.
6 Nasser has  little knowledge of web design.

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