1. Fill in the correct word.
weekly ghost ruined puzzled rush knock mines worried
introduce naughty
1 Can I ............... myself? My name is Lenny
2 Everything was closed. It was like a
............... town.
3 My parents buy the ............... newspapers
every Sunday.
4 Lots of men worked in coal ............... in the
nineteenth century.
5 My little sister can be very ............... at
times. She often throws things at me.
6 There were many ............... buildings in the
town that people wanted to rebuild.
7 I was ...............; I really didn’t understand.
8 His parents were ............... because he
didn’t come home.
9 I always ............... on the door before I
enter a room.
10 Everyone is in a hurry. They ...............
around everywhere all day.
B Match the adjectives to their opposites.
1 clean .........
2 beautiful .........
3 busy .........
4 crowded .........
5 relaxed .........
A ugly
B quiet
C stressed
D polluted
E deserted
C Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Paul ................... (find) a wallet on the bus
2 My brother ................... (spend) €120 on
CDs last weekend.
3 We ................... (decide) to stay in and
watch a film last night.
4 I ................... (knock) at the door but no
one was in.
5 He ................... (say) hello to me but I
don’t know who he is.
6 We ................... (meet) on holiday last
7 I ................... (hear) a lot about you.
8 Albert Einstein ................... (die) in 1955.
9 I ................... (read) an interesting article
about dogs this morning.
10 He was so happy that he ...................
(jump) up and down.
D Choose the correct response.
1 Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?
2 Thank you very much.
3 What does it look like?
4 Here you are.
5 Do any of these look familiar?
A You’re welcome.
B Thank you.
C Yes. What can I do for you?
D It’s black with a silver handle.
E Yes, the one in the corner is mine.
weekly ghost ruined puzzled rush knock mines worried
introduce naughty
1 Can I ............... myself? My name is Lenny
2 Everything was closed. It was like a
............... town.
3 My parents buy the ............... newspapers
every Sunday.
4 Lots of men worked in coal ............... in the
nineteenth century.
5 My little sister can be very ............... at
times. She often throws things at me.
6 There were many ............... buildings in the
town that people wanted to rebuild.
7 I was ...............; I really didn’t understand.
8 His parents were ............... because he
didn’t come home.
9 I always ............... on the door before I
enter a room.
10 Everyone is in a hurry. They ...............
around everywhere all day.
B Match the adjectives to their opposites.
1 clean .........
2 beautiful .........
3 busy .........
4 crowded .........
5 relaxed .........
A ugly
B quiet
C stressed
D polluted
E deserted
C Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Paul ................... (find) a wallet on the bus
2 My brother ................... (spend) €120 on
CDs last weekend.
3 We ................... (decide) to stay in and
watch a film last night.
4 I ................... (knock) at the door but no
one was in.
5 He ................... (say) hello to me but I
don’t know who he is.
6 We ................... (meet) on holiday last
7 I ................... (hear) a lot about you.
8 Albert Einstein ................... (die) in 1955.
9 I ................... (read) an interesting article
about dogs this morning.
10 He was so happy that he ...................
(jump) up and down.
D Choose the correct response.
1 Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?
2 Thank you very much.
3 What does it look like?
4 Here you are.
5 Do any of these look familiar?
A You’re welcome.
B Thank you.
C Yes. What can I do for you?
D It’s black with a silver handle.
E Yes, the one in the corner is mine.
(18 оценок)

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