Insert the where necessary
1. The Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow
2. _____ Tretyakov Gallery has a wonderful collection of ____ Russian painings
3. _____ History Museum is near ____ Alexandrovsky Garden
4. There are some paintings by ____ Aivazovsky in _____ Russian Museum
5. Many famous _____ English actors work in _____ London theatres
6. In _____ England adn ___ Scotland gardening is a favourite hobby of many people
7. ____ Wall Tower is in ____ New York.
8. ____ Covent Garden Opera House is in ____ London
3 (11 оценок)
nunny 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 21092 ответа - 153888 раз оказано помощи
1. The Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow
2. __The___ Tretyakov Gallery has a wonderful collection of ____ Russian painings
3. ___The__ History Museum is near ____ Alexandrovsky Garden.
4. There are some paintings by ____ Aivazovsky in ___the__ Russian Museum.
5. Many famous _____ English actors work in _____ London theatres
6. In _____ England and ___ Scotland gardening is a favourite hobby of many people.
7. ____ Wall Tower is in ____ New York.
8. ____ Covent Garden Opera House is in ____ London

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