Помогите плиз, срочно надо.

1.     Fill in ”What…”, ”What a(n)…” or ”How…”
1. … kind he is to everyone!

2. … terrible news!
3. … boring book this is!
4. …exciting it all sounds!
5. … brave man!
6. … enormous house you live in!
7. … careless of you!

2.     Fill in which or who
1.     My wallet, … was in my handbag, has disappeared.
2.     Brian, … is still at school, is the captain of our local team.
3.     London, … is the capital of England, attracts many foreign visitors.
4.     This parrot, … comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.
5.     The children … play with my son are coming round for tea.
6.     English weather, … is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

3.     Choose the correct item.
Dear Clare,I’m (1. completely/really/slightly) sorry I haven’t written earlier. I’ve been (2. a
lot/enough/ extremely) busy recently. The children are on holiday  at
the moment and so I’m (3. absolutely/much/enough) exhausted! I’ll be (4.
too/ just/ awfully) glad when they go back to school! Then I’ll be (5.
completely/a lot/ rather) free during the day! The school holidays are
(6. enough/just/too) long. The children get (7. terribly/much/enough)
bored. Well, write soon with your news.
Take care,Joe4.     Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the same sentence.
1.     Ned has been the news … for some time now. (Produce)
2.     Can television violence encourage … in children. (Aggressive)
3.     Ray got mixed up with the local … element. (Crime)
4.     You are going to see a … about volcanoes. (Document)
5.     It’s like learning a … new language. (Total)
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5 (1 оценка)
McViti 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 1632 ответа - 17163 помощи

1. How kind he is to everyone!
2. What terrible news!
3. What a boring book this is!
4. How exciting it all sounds!
5. What a brave man!
6. What an enormous house you live in!
7. How careless of you!


1.     My wallet, which was in my handbag, has disappeared.
2.     Brian, who is still at school, is the captain of our local team.
3.     Londonwhich is the capital of England, attracts many foreign visitors.
4.     This parrot, which comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.
5.     The children, who play with my son, are coming round for tea.
6.     English weather, which is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.


Dear Clare, 

I’m (1. completely/really/slightly) sorry I haven’t written earlier. I’ve been (2. a
lot/enough/ extremely) busy recently. The children are on holiday at 
the moment and so I’m (3. absolutely/much/enough) exhausted! I’ll be (4.
too/ just/ awfully) glad when they go back to school! Then I’ll be (5. 
completely/a lot/ rather) free during the day! The school holidays are 
(6. enough/just/too) long. The children get (7. terribly/much/enough) 
bored. Well, write soon with your news.

Take care,



1.     Ned has been the news PRODUCER for some time now. 
2.     Can television violence encourage AGGRESSION in children. 
3.     Ray got mixed up with the local CRIMINAL element. 
4.     You are going to see a DOCUMENTARY about volcanoes. 
5.     It’s like learning a TOTALLY new language. 

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