hoose the right word: a. conflict b. conservative c. peacefully d. separatists e. disagree f. reunion g. signs h. human i. wheelchair j. prevent k. discrimination l. tolerant
1. Old people are usually ____________than young people.
2. Are you planning to have a family _________________at Christmass?
3. People who are unable to walk use a _____________________
4. What mathematical ____________did you learn?
5. It listed 29 different ______________rights: protection against cruel punishment, ___________________against racism.
6. People must ____________war conflicts.
7. We must to be _____________ with each other.
8. Spanish ___________are very dangerous.
9. When people ______________with each other, they may have _____________.
10. We can resolve all conflicts ___________.

Task2. Use the words to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
1. I am more ______ on this point OPTIMIST
2. We need some ___________against religious discrimination. PROTECT
3. ________movements have caused a lot of serious military conflicts. SEPARATE
4.The constitiution guarantees the _______of people of different ethnic groups in the eyes of the law EQUAL
5. We should use all possible_________ means to resolve conflict. PEACE
6. All forms of war conflicts are ____________. HUMAN
Ответ проверен экспертом
4 (4 оценки)
caxap1279 9 лет назад
Светило науки - 15 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. b conservative
2. f reunion
3. i wheelchair
4. g. signs
5. h. human k. discrimination
6. j prevent 
7. l tolerant
8. d. separatists
9. e. disagree a. conflict
10. c peacefully

1. optimistic 
2. protection
3. separatist 
4. equality 
5. peaceful 
6. antihuman

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