Решите пожалуйста вот это
P.s. Заранее спасибо
Исправьте ошибки:

1. Liza goes to the cinema now.
2. Bob drink tea twice a day.
3. I am learning English every day.
4. Peter wear his new jeans today.
5. She eats an apple at the moment.
6. Do you cook dinner often?
7. She doesn’t writes letters very often.
8. Look! My brother ride his new bike.

Переведите на английский язык слова:

Всегда……………….., обычно……………….., часто……………….., никогда………….
Редко…………………., иногда……………….., сегодня…………….., сейчас…………..,
в данный момент………………

Переделайте в отрицательное предложение:

1) I often play with my little sister.
2) We like big dogs.
3) You do your homework every day.
4) Sometimes they go to the cinema.
5) Rex lives in a doghouse.
6) He plays the piano very well.
7) Не is drinking milk now.
8) You are wearing jeans today.
9) I am watching TV at the moment.
5 (4 оценки)
Варя880 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 3 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи
1) I don`t often play with my little sister. 
2) We don`t like big dogs. 
3) You don`t your homework every day. 
4) Sometimes they don`t go to the cinema. 
5) Rex doesn`t lives in a doghouse. 
6) He doesn`t play the piano very well. 
7) Не isn`t drinking milk now. 
8) You aren`t wearing jeans today. 
9) I am not watching TV at the moment.

1. Liza is going to the cinema now. 
2. Bob drinks tea twice a day. 
3. I learn English every day. 
4. Peter is wearing his new jeans today. 
5. She is eating an apple at the moment. 
6. Do you often cook dinner? 
7. She doesn’t write letters very often. 
8. Look! My brother is riding his new bike. 

Always, usually, often, never, seldom, sometimes, today, now, at the moment.

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