Choose the right word: is or are

1. Where... the money?

2. My sister\"s hair ... so beautiful

3. I have never heard of it. The information ... very important

4. ... the trousers in the wardrobe?

5. The greenhouse ... not big enough

6. The sunshine ... so bright

7. These weatherman ... working for television now

8. These ... very rare species of animals

9. This ... an endangered species of birds

Ответ проверен экспертом
4 (4 оценки)
anyachin 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 9 ответов - 12 раз оказано помощи
1. Where is the money?

2. My sister"s hair is so beautiful

3. I have never heard of it. The information is very important

4. Are the trousers in the wardrobe?

5. The greenhouse is not big enough

6. The sunshine is so bright

7. These weatherman is working for television now

8. These are very rare species of animals

9. This are an endangered species of birds

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