Match the words and descriptions .

sociable                        fond of being with other  people ; friendly

independent                    not needing  other  things or people

responsble                      a person with a quick and clever mind 

intelligent                     having the duty of looking after someone or something

 obedient                 doing  what one is ordered to do

polite             having  or showing  good manners 

loving                feeling love

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3 (42 оценки)
kastan15 11 лет назад
Светило науки - 135 ответов - 2527 раз оказано помощи

sociable    -  fond of being with other  people ; friendly

independent      -   not needing  other  things or people

responsble         -    having the duty of looking after someone or something        

intelligent    -    a person with a quick and clever mind              

 obedient        -         doing  what one is ordered to do

polite        -     having  or showing  good manners 

loving         -       feeling love

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